External Interface

The following subroutines and variables can be called from an external program’s pre-compilation source code. The source code may be found in an appilcation that you are linking ppiclF to (see Nek5000 Case) or a simple driver program that links to ppiclF (see Stokes 2D).

In what follows, the terms int and real refer to the Fortran integer*4 and real*8 types, which are also the types int and double in C.

Common Variables

The following common variables are stored in memory internally. In the current verision, ppiclf_pro_fld may be accessed in an externally linked program through the calling of the subroutine ppiclf_solve_GetProFldIJKEF() as defined at the end of this section. However, the table below shows some of the key variables that can be used for internal development of the ppiclF library.

include "PPICLF"
Common variables used and their descriptions.






Array of j equations solution for i particle (\(\mathbf{Y}^{(i)}\)).



Array of j equations forcing for i particle (\(\dot{\mathbf{Y}}^{(i)}\)).



Array of j equations extra storage for i particle.



Array of j properties for i particle.



The number of local particles on the current processor.



Projected field m at overlap mesh point (i,j,k) on element e.

Initialization Subroutines

The following subroutines are only to be called once at the begining of a simulation. Note that every routine does not need to be called. The actual subroutines called at setup are problem dependent. However, the subroutines ppiclf_comm_InitMPI and ppiclf_solve_InitParticle must be called at least once at initialization for every case.

ppiclf_comm_InitMPI(int comm, int id, int np)

The user inputs the current MPI communicator comm where the current MPI rank is id and there are np total ranks.

ppiclf_comm_InitOverlapMesh(int ncell, int lx, int ly, int lz, real xgrid, real ygrid, real zgrid)

The user inputs the element based mesh. The arrays xgrid, ygrid, and zgrid are of size (lx,ly,lz,ncell) and stores the mesh coordinates. Here, ncell is the number of local hexahedral elements on rank id, with lx,ly,lz points in each dimension.

  • ncell \(\leq\) PPICLF_LEE.

  • lx == PPICLF_LEX.

  • ly == PPICLF_LEY.

  • lz == PPICLF_LEZ.

ppiclf_io_ReadParticleVTU(char*1 filein(132))

The user specifies filein with .vtu extension to use as the initial conditions for particles. When this routine is called, the arrays ppiclf_y(j,i) and ppiclf_rprop(j,i) will automatically be filled.

  • Note that ppiclf_solve_InitParticle should still be called following this, but with a dummy arguement in place of y and rprop.

ppiclf_io_ReadWallVTK(char*1 filein(132))

The user specifies filein with .vtk extension to use as triangular plane boundaries.

The format of the file is a minimized ASCII VTK format as shown below.

In 3D:

POINTS npoints
p1x p1y p1z
p2x p2y p2z
CELLS ncells
n1ip1 n1ip2 n1ip3
n2ip1 n2ip2 n2ip3

and in 2D:

POINTS npoints
p1x p1y p1z
p2x p2y p2z
CELLS ncells
n1ip1 n1ip2
n2ip1 n2ip2


  • a tri-element surface mesh is required in 3D problems,

  • a line-element surface mesh is required in 2D problems,

  • npoints is total number of points that follow,

  • pab is point a coordinate in b dimension,

  • nwalls is total number of walls that follow,

  • ncipd is the index of the points from 0 to npoints-1 that make up the wall with c being the wall number and d being the arbitrary ordering of points.

This format can actually be output using the free finite element mesh generator Gmsh. The process is to create the appropriate mesh, export as a VTK file, and then remove everything except the format as specified above. Please make sure there are no blank lines in file.

ppiclf_solve_InitWall(real xp1, real xp2, real xp3)

The user manually sets a boundary. This is similar to ppiclf_io_ReadWallVTK, but the user may only want to manually set a single or few walls manually without a VTK file.

  • The inputs are all vectors of length two (2D) or three (3D).

  • xp1 stores coordinates (p1x, p1y, p1z) as in the VTK file.

  • xp2 stores coordinates (p2x, p2y, p2z) as in the VTK file.

  • xp3 stores coordinates (p3x, p3y, p3z) as in the VTK file.

ppiclf_solve_InitNeighborBin(real W)

The user specifies W as the minimum interaction distance to resolve. See Particle Storage.

ppiclf_solve_InitTargetBins(char*1 dir, int n, int balance)

The user specifies that n bins be created in the dir dimension. When balance is set to 1, the bins are evenly distributed about the mean particle position in dir. If any rule is violated, such as there are too many bins or the bins are too small, the binning algorithm will change n so that the rules are not violated.

  • dir = ‘x’, ‘y’, or ‘z’.

  • n \(\geq\) 1.

  • balance = 0 or 1

ppiclf_solve_InitPeriodicX(real a, real b)

  • The user sets periodicity in the y-z planes at x = a and x = b.

  • Note: a < b.

ppiclf_solve_InitPeriodicY(real a, real b)

The user sets periodicity in the x-z planes at y = a and y = b.

  • a < b.

ppiclf_solve_InitPeriodicZ(real a, real b)

The user sets periodicity in the x-y planes at z = a and z = b.

  • a < b.

ppiclf_solve_InitGaussianFilter(real f, real a, int iflg)

The Gaussian filter half-width for projection \(\delta_f\) is f (see Overlap Mesh). The value a is the percent of the r = 0 value that the Gaussian filter is computationally allowed to decay to. The flag iflg sets if particles should be mirrored and then projected across boundaries or not.

  • a < 1.0.

  • iflg = 0 (no mirror) or 1 (mirror).

ppiclf_solve_InitBoxFilter(real f, int iflg)

The box filter half-width for projection \(\delta_f\) is f (see Overlap Mesh). The flag iflg sets if particles should be mirrored and then projected across boundaries or not.

  • iflg = 0 (no mirror) or 1 (mirror).

ppiclf_solve_InitParticle(int imethod, int ndim, int iendian, int npart, real y, real rprop)

The user also initializes \(\mathbf{Y}_0\), which is the initial condition of \(\mathbf{Y}\) for the system of equations. The user also sets the integration method imethod, the problem dimension ndim, the byte ordering iendian, and the number of particles being initializied on the current rank npart. The arrays y and rprop must be ordered as ppiclf_y(j,i) and ppiclf_rprop(j,i) since they are internally copied when this routine is called.

  • imethod = +/-1 (RK3). When imethod is negative, the user is in chage of looping through both steps AND stages.

  • ndim = 2 or 3.

  • iendian = 0 (little endian) or 1 (big endian).

  • 0 \(\leq\) npart \(\leq\) PPICLF_LPART.

ppiclf_solve_AddParticles(int npart, real y, real rprop)

After ppiclf_solve_InitParticle has been called, this routine may be called to add particles into the current simulation at any time. The arrays y and rprop have the same interpretation as in ppiclf_solve_InitParticle.

  • 0 \(\leq\) npart \(\leq\) PPICLF_LPART.

ppiclf_solve_MarkForRemoval(int i)

While particles are automatically removed when they are located outside of an overlap mesh when specified, this routine allows a user to forcibly remove a particle based on any critieria. Calling this routine during a simulation will remove the i particle from the arrays ppiclf_y(j,i) and ppiclf_rprop(j,i).

  • 1 \(\leq\) i \(\leq\) ppiclf_npart

Solve Subroutines

The following subroutines can be called at every time step. Note that every routine does not need to be called. The actual subroutines called at each time step are problem dependent. However, the subroutine ppiclf_solve_IntegrateParticle must be called at least once every time step for any opperations to be performed.

ppiclf_solve_InterpFieldUser(int ifld, real fld)

The user sets which field array fld of same dimensions set in initialization call to ppiclf_comm_InitOverlapMesh routine is used to interpolate to index in property array ppiclf_rprop(ifld,i) for the i particle. This routine may be called multiple times to interpolate multiple fields.

  • ifld \(\leq\) PPICLF_LRP.

ppiclf_solve_IntegrateParticle(int istep, int iostep, real dt, real time)

This routine must be called every time step and uses the initial integration method to advance \(\mathbf{Y}\) in time. The inputs are the current time, the current time step dt to advance by, the current time step number istep, and will output solution files every iostep number of time steps. Note that the user must call this routine every time step for the system to be integrated. When imethod is initialized to be a negative number, this routine must also be called every stage as well.

  • istep \(\geq\) 0.

  • iostep \(\geq\) 0.

  • dt \(\geq\) 0.0.

  • time \(\geq\) 0.0.

ppiclf_solve_GetProFldIJKEF(int i, int j, int k, int e, int m, real fld)

This routine may be called on the i, j, k grid point of the e element of the overlap mesh. The index m is the desired projected field index (which is user defined in the H-File) which is returned at the selected grid point in fld. This routine allows external access of the internal array ppiclf_pro_fld.

  • i \(\leq\) PPICLF_LEX

  • j \(\leq\) PPICLF_LEY

  • k \(\leq\) PPICLF_LEZ

  • e \(\leq\) PPICLF_NEE \(\leq\) PPICLF_LEE

  • m \(\leq\) PPICLF_LRP_PRO