Stokes 2D


This is a simple example that illustrates Stokes drag on solid spherical particles. This can be illustrated by the following system of equations. For each particle, we have

\[\begin{split}\dfrac{d \mathbf{X}}{d t} &= \mathbf{V}, \\ M_p \dfrac{d \mathbf{V}}{d t} &= \mathbf{F}_{qs} + \mathbf{F}_b,\end{split}\]

where, for each particle we have the position vector \(\mathbf{X}\), the velocity vector \(\mathbf{V}\), the Stokes drag force \(\mathbf{F}_{qs}\), and the weight force \(\mathbf{F}_{b}\), defined by

\[\begin{split}\mathbf{X} = \begin{bmatrix}X \\ Y \end{bmatrix},\quad \mathbf{V} = \begin{bmatrix}V_x \\ V_y \end{bmatrix},\quad \mathbf{F}_{qs} = \dfrac{M_p}{\tau_p} \begin{bmatrix}V_x \\ V_y \end{bmatrix},\quad \mathbf{F}_{b} = M_p \begin{bmatrix}0 \\ g \end{bmatrix}.\end{split}\]

Here, each particle has the same mass \(M_p\), time scale \(\tau_p\), and gravitational acceleration \(g\). Thus, for each particle we can write the following system of equations

\[\dfrac{d \mathbf{Y}}{d t} = \dot{\mathbf{Y}},\]


\[\begin{split}\mathbf{Y} = \begin{bmatrix}X \\ Y \\ V_x \\ V_y \end{bmatrix},\quad \dot{\mathbf{Y}} = \begin{bmatrix}V_x \\ V_y \\ -V_x/\tau_p + 0\\ -V_y/\tau_p - g \end{bmatrix}.\end{split}\]

User Interface

The H-File for this case (Stokes 2D H-File) is given below and corresponds to the equations being solved and the property being stored for each particle. Note that since \(g\) is constant, we do not included it in the list of properties.

#define PPICLF_LRS 4
#define PPICLF_LRP 1

#define PPICLF_JX  1
#define PPICLF_JY  2
#define PPICLF_JVX 3
#define PPICLF_JVY 4
#define PPICLF_R_JTAUP 1

The two blocks of lines denote the pre-defined and user-only directives. The pre-defined directives are in the top block and are the number of equations and the number of properties. The user-only directives are in the bottom block.

The F-File for this case (Stokes 2D F-File) only has meaningful information in ppiclf_user_SetYdot. The other two routines ppiclf_user_MapProjPart and ppiclf_user_EvalNearestNeighbor are defined only.

      subroutine ppiclf_user_SetYdot
      implicit none
      include "PPICLF"
! Internal:
      real*8 fqsx,fqsy,fbx,fby
      integer*4 i
! evaluate ydot
      do i=1,ppiclf_npart
         ! Stokes drag
         fqsx = -ppiclf_y(PPICLF_JVX,i)/ppiclf_rprop(PPICLF_R_JTAUP,i)
         fqsy = -ppiclf_y(PPICLF_JVY,i)/ppiclf_rprop(PPICLF_R_JTAUP,i)

         ! Gravity
         fbx  = 0.0d0
         fby  = -9.8d0

         ! set ydot for all PPICLF_LRS number of equations
         ppiclf_ydot(PPICLF_JX ,i) = ppiclf_y(PPICLF_JVX,i)
         ppiclf_ydot(PPICLF_JY ,i) = ppiclf_y(PPICLF_JVY,i)
         ppiclf_ydot(PPICLF_JVX,i) = fqsx+fbx
         ppiclf_ydot(PPICLF_JVY,i) = fqsy+fby
! evaluate ydot


In this example, the do-loop loops through the total number of particles on each processor. The user computes the stokes drag force and weight in each direction for each particle. Then, the 4 equations are specified according to the system of equations defined in this case.

The External Interface calls for this example occur in a simple driver program in the file test.f with the minimum number of initialization and solve subroutines called. In this case:

  • ppiclf_comm_InitMPI is called to initialize the communication,

  • ppiclf_comm_InitParticle is called with initial properites and conditions for the particles,

  • ppiclf_solve_IntegrateParticle is called in a simple time step loop.

Compiling and Running

This example can be tested by issuing the following commands:

cd ~
git clone     # clone ppiclF
mkdir TestCase                                      # make test directory
cd TestCase
cp ../ppiclF/examples/stokes_2d/fortran/* .         # copy example files to test case
cp -r ../ppiclF/examples/stokes_2d/user_routines . # copy example files to test case
cd ../ppiclF                                        # go to ppiclF code
cp ../TestCase/user_routines/* source/              # copy ppiclf_user.f and PPICLF_USER.h to source
make                                                # build ppiclF
cd ../TestCase
make                                                # build test case and link with ppiclF
mpirun -np 4 test.out                               # run case with 4 processors

Simulation Output

The system of equations can analytically be solved subject to the previously given initial conditions. The solution is

\[\begin{split}\mathbf{Y} = \begin{bmatrix}X \\ Y \\ V_x \\ V_y \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix}X_0 \\ Y_0 - t - e^{-tg}/g \\ 0 \\ e^{-tg} - 1 \end{bmatrix}.\end{split}\]

As a result, it is clear that the velocity \(V_y\) will increase exponentially in time at a rate of \(\tau_p = g^{-1}\), eventually reaching \(V_y ( t \rightarrow \infty) \approx -1\).

In the user code above, \(g = 9.8\) and the driver program runs for a total time of \(t = 0.1 \approx \tau_p\). The analytical velocity at this time is \(V_y = -0.62468890114\). The simulation output in this case can be confirmed to be \(V_y = -0.62468886375\).

In this case, third order Runge-Kutta time integration was used with a time step of \(10^{-4}\), resulting in error of the order \(10^{-8}\) when compounded over 1000 time steps. Since ppiclF outputs only 4-byte precision on the real numbers which is accurate to 7 digits, we expect the precision to be more important than the third order trunacation error. To test this, the difference between the simulation output and analytic solution is \(0.00000003739\), reflecting the larger byte precision.

If instead we change the time step to \(10^{-2}\) and the number of time steps to 10, we expect the new truncation error of order \(10^{-5}\) to be larger than byte precision. To confirm this, the simulation with these parameters give \(V_y = -0.62470448017\). The difference between the simulation output and analytic solution is \(0.00001557903\), reflecting the larger truncation error.