The F-File

The F-File refers to the file ppiclf_user.f. This file is required for each case and specifies three key subroutines in the code. Each of these subroutines are described below. In what follows, the terms int and real refer to the Fortran integer*4 and real*8 types, which are also the types int and double in C.


The main purpose of this subroutine is described below.


This routine must set \(\dot{\mathbf{Y}}\) for the system of equations

\[\dfrac{d \mathbf{Y}}{d t} = \dot{\mathbf{Y}}\]

This is done by specifying the j indices (corresponding to the j equations) of the array ppiclf_ydot(j,i) for the i particle.

Typically, this subroutine amounts to a do-loop over the index i which loops through the total number of particles on each processor (ppiclf_npart). The user is then required to specify \(\dot{\mathbf{Y}}^{(i)}\) by setting the j indices ranging from 1 to PPICLF_LRS of the array ppiclf_ydot(j,i). Since \(\dot{\mathbf{Y}}^{(i)}\) may be a function of \(\mathbf{Y}\) and other properties associated with each particle, the user-defined pre-processor directives can be useful in organizing this evaluation.

Note that additionally, the routine ppiclf_solve_NearestNeighbor can optionally be called for the i particle within the do-loop. When this occurs, the nearby neighbor searching routine ppiclf_user_EvalNearestNeighbor is activated (see below).

After ppiclf_ydot(j,i) is set, a user may also choose to store some computed values in the array ppiclf_ydotc(j,i) which is ordered the same as ppiclf_ydot(j,i). Values stored in this array are then passed to the projection mapping routine ppiclf_user_MapProjPart (see below).


The main purpose of this subroutine is to specify which particle properties \(A\) are projected to which fields \(a(\mathbf{x})\). For more details on the projection opperation, see Projection. Note that projection can only be performed when there is an overlap mesh specified. A description of this routine is given below.

ppiclf_user_MapProjPart(real map, real y, real ydot, real ydotc, real rprop)

This routine specifies which particle properties are projected to which fields.

  • map(m) is a vector input of length PPICLF_LRP_PRO which must be set, corresponding to the particle property \(A\). The m index corresponds to which field is being projected in the ppiclf_pro_fld(i,j,k,e,m) array. The user-defined pre-processor directives can be useful in organizing this evaluation.

  • y(j), ydot(j), and ydotc(j) are vector inputs of length PPICLF_LRS. They correspond to the values in the arrays of the i particle ppiclf_y(j,i), ppiclf_ydot(j,i), and ppiclf_ydotc(j,i). Each of these can be used in evaulating map(m).

  • rprop(j) is a vector input of length PPICLF_LRP. It corresponds to the values in the array of the i particle ppiclf_rprop(j,i). Its values can be used in evaulating map(m).


The main purpose of this subroutine is to allow the user to have access to neighboring particle’s information. For the i particle, the j nearest points are passed in within a distance W (see Particle Storage). This routine is only activated when the routine ppiclf_user_NearestNeighbor is called for the i particle in the do-loop in ppiclf_user_SetYdot (see DEM Packing 3D for an example of this). The routine ppiclf_user_NearestNeighbor is described below.

ppiclf_user_NearestNeighbor(int i)

This routine specifies that the ppiclf_user_EvalNearestNeighbor routine should be called.

  • i is the i particle for which the nearest neighbors are found.

Additionally, the routine ppiclf_user_EvalNearestNeighbor is described below.

ppiclf_user_EvalNearestNeighbor(int i, int j, real yi, real rpropi, real yj, real rpropj*)

This routine evaluates the nearest neighbors of the i particle. The neighbors are the j points which are either nearby particles or nearby boundaries. This routine is only activated when ppiclf_user_NearestNeighbor is called for the i particle in ppiclf_user_SetYdot.

  • i is the i particle for which the nearest neighbors are found for. The index i may also be used to access the internal arrays (i.e., ppiclf_y(:,i), ppiclf_ydot(:,i), ppiclf_ydotc(:,i), and ppiclf_rprop(:,i).

  • j is the j point for which the nearest neighbors of particle i are found. DO NOT USE j TO ACCESS THE INTERNAL ARRAYS. The index j may be positive, negative, or zero. A positive value means that the neighbor particle is on the same processor. A negative value means that the neighbor particle is on a different processor. A value of j = 0 means that the neighbor point is a boundary point.

  • yi is a vector of length PPICLF_LRS which passes in the solution variables of the i particle.

  • rpropi is a vector of length PPICLF_LRP which passes in the properties of the i particle.

  • yj is a vector of length PPICLF_LRS which passes in the solution variables of the j particle. Note that when a boundary point is passed in as point j (j == 0), then only the first two (2D) or three (3D) values of yj can be used, which store the nearest point on the boundary to the i particle.

  • rpropj is a vector of length PPICLF_LRP which passes in the properties of the j particle. Note that when a boundary point is passed in as point j (j == 0), the values of rpropj are meaningless.