
To install ppiclF, checkout the master branch from the offical GitHub repository. First, create a local directory where the souce code will be copied to. Here, we will call this LocalCodeDir:

cd LocalCodeDir
git clone
cd ppiclF

Then, set the appropriate properties in the files source/ppiclf_user.f and source/PPICLF_USER.h (see The H-File and The F-File). For now, we will copy these files from an existing example:

cp examples/stokes_2d/user_routines/ppiclf_user.f source/
cp examples/stokes_2d/user_routines/PPICLF_USER.h source/

Now, set the appropriate parameters in the Makefile. Either mpif77 or mpif90 are supported Fortran compilers. Note that mpicc is also required for a 3rd party library internally.

If you are compiling for a C or C++ applicaiton, add the flag -DPPICLC to the FFLAGS variable in the Makefile for correct bindings. The code can then be built with:


Upon successful compilation, you should see the following output:
